Small sound amplifiers worn in the ear to compensate for hearing loss.
A conical acoustic device formerly used to direct sound to the ear of a hearing-impaired person.
1Most of us know an older person who needs a hearing aid.
2Jake, now 19, wears a hearing aid and is unable to work.
3Danish hearing aid maker GN Store Nord was also in the running.
4Triton, the hearing aid company has also taken the subscription route.
5The building is home to doctors, a dentist and a hearing aid seller.
6He's carrying a battered leather case and has a hearing aid.
7Just one in five of those with hearing difficulties uses a hearing aid.
8He'd gotten a hearing aid, grown a scraggly beard and cultivated a potbelly.
9Unless Mrs. McCafferty's hearing aid battery was going dead, she should have replied.
10Arlene had a hearing aid; Brian smoked in the boys' toilet.
11There is a certain stigma attached to hearing problems, or having a hearing aid.
12Facebook Twitter Pinterest Loud and clear: the cognitive hearing aid.
13Costco now accounts for around 10 percent of hearing aid sales in that market.
14It a hearing aid breaks down, they'll simply replace it.
15His daughter's been trying to get him to wear a hearing aid for years.
16Their bright ideas range from an eco-friendly bread clip to a kid-friendly hearing aid.
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Translations for hearing aid