Encara no tenim significats per a "hearty congratulation".
1Here's a hearty shake, and a hearty congratulation at the same time!
2The success of their scheme was no doubt the theme of hearty congratulation.
3It contained a warm welcome, and a hearty congratulation upon their safe arrival.
4He responded by a letter of hearty congratulation, and forwarded the trunk as requested.
5Higson received the hearty congratulation of his old messmates as well as those of the midshipmen whose berth he was leaving.
6After a few words of hearty congratulation the whites threw themselves on the ground, panting and exhausted, after their tremendous exertions.
7The silence was broken by the younger of the two exclaiming in a tone of hearty congratulation, This is a magnificent place, Beresford!
8Putnam and his officers and the other gentlemen of the committee of Congress seized the hands of the two young officers in hearty congratulation.
9The Bishop of Tennessee left his seat in the board, came outside when the section was dismissed, and shook my hand in hearty congratulation.
10You have my most hearty congratulations, Captain, he added, shaking Gibbs's hand.
11An earnest throng clustered around the newly-elected president, with hearty congratulations.
12Philip sent his hearty congratulations and heard a Te Deum sung.
13Mrs. Wheaton, with many hearty congratulations and words of cheer, took her departure.
14We all join in hearty congratulations and best wishes.
15Sir Thomas had already received hearty congratulations on the brilliant prospects of his only daughter.
16Give them a message of hearty congratulations on their successful achievement to buck them up.
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