Large in amount or extent or degree.
(Of a person) possessing physical strength and weight; rugged and powerful.
Examples for "healthy"
Examples for "healthy"
1They simply must be accompanied by good governance and healthy public administration.
2Her passions include suicide prevention, violence prevention, healthy relationships, housing and research.
3Methods: Eighteen young healthy women drank red wine daily for 3 weeks.
4Vets are being asked to euthanise healthy animals, especially as holidays approach.
5The increased order contributed to a healthy order book worth £720 million.
1Labour would have a perfectly respectable plan for dealing with the crisis.
2Nevertheless, the theory of panspermia persists as a respectable minority scientific opinion.
3Bohemian yet respectable, intoxicating yet safe: it seemed like the perfect adventure.
4The account had been created 11 months earlier, a modestly respectable duration.
5But I want to know about her family-arethey respectable people too?
1The inside of the house is quite tidy and needs no work.
2Of particular value to local heritage groups and and tidy town committees.
3At least Britain could fight a tidy war to an emphatic conclusion.
4It was not, and was never likely to be, a tidy result.
5The caretaker went in to check the police had left things tidy.
1Moreover, there is a goodly young woman to be taken into communion.
2The clergy now began to appear in goodly numbers upon the scene.
3There was a goodly pile of money in front of the Mexican.
4Evans brought the unwelcome news that the goodly fellowship was broken up.
5The palace rose great and goodly enough, with the church at hand.
1In reality, given the generous qualifying regulations, quite sizeable movies often figure.
2However, he said there are few sizeable home shopping companies to buy.
3NS&I's accounts offer the best rates for easy access on sizeable sums.
4The deal would be KKR's second sizeable India investment in six months.
5Several Gulf countries have a sizeable population of Keralites as expatriate workers.
1A sizable minority of Americans continue to think coronavirus concerns are overblown.
2A sizable number of RealAudio radio broadcasts, many quite underground, already exist.
3Some were Arabs, likely members of the sizable Palestinian population at Quaid-I-Azam.
4Their reach to a global customer base is quite sizable, she said.
5Energy firms marked sizable gains as oil prices held near 8-month peaks.
1This afternoon, I have written three very slow, short but goodish paragraphs.
2I have to go up to the house a goodish bit, sur.
3No mistake: he had a goodish way to go- along ,longway.
4Three lumbermen, two goodish-sized yachts, a dozen sloop-rigged boats: not so bad.
5They won't be taking up the nets for a goodish while yet.
1However, pirates often treat hostages well in the hope of hefty ransoms.
2McLaughlin said the championship was not over yet despite his hefty lead.
3There are particularly abundant crops of hefty blackfly and greenfly this year.
4Punishment includes a hefty fine and imprisonment for up to a year.
5Recent investigations have ensnared major global lenders and led to hefty fines.
6Many continue to deal in cash or pay hefty fees for accounts.
7Fiat needs a hefty boost to productivity to make the plan work.
8The sale will attract international attention, not to mention a hefty commission.
9Sometimes competition for these assets means that the buyers pay hefty premiums.
10The restaurant manager said three hours outage would mean a hefty loss.
11The restaurant manager said the three-hour outage would mean a hefty loss.
12That's a pretty hefty combination, and it creates quite a tough environment.
13That's a hefty amount of work, though, to ensure a smooth checkout.
14He also warned of hefty job cuts if the deal went through.
15They led to hefty lawsuits and seriously undermined the church's moral authority.
16Elsewhere other items related to The Godfather also fetched a hefty price.
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