123d of the month Jumad Ellule, year of the Hejra 1203.
226th of the (lunar), month Saffer, year of the Hejra 1221.
32d day of Shaban, year of the Hejra 1202, (corresponding with 7th May, 1788.)
422 Ramadan, year of the Hejra 1204, (A.C.
5Done at Laye, in the month Rabia-al akhir, in the year of the Hejra 1193, answering to April 1779.
6The first of Muharram, year of the Hejra 1221, answers to the 19th March of the Christian æra, 1806.
7Written the first of the Glorious Ramadan, in the year of the Hejra 1125 (corresponding with A.D. 1710).
8This was the famous flight of the prophet, the Hegira, or Hejra, in the year 622 A.D. and about the fifty-third year of Mohammed's age.
9Written at Timbuctoo, 10th of the month Muharram, year of the Hejra 1208, (corresponding with 15th Feb. A.C. 1794).