Encara no tenim significats per a "help the ship".
1To help any shipmate who may need help ; to help the ship.
2Haul, and help the ship. His hard face worked suffused and furious.
3The spanker had been hauled out previously, to help the ship in tacking.
4The added stability will help the ship get better TV shots when covering sporting events.
5The slight breeze was hardly strong enough to help the ship to make the island.
6By carrying the head-sails well forward, we help the ship round in a sea, you know, sir.
8His boat's gone, an' we thought he might ha' went out to help the ship that was a-firin' all night.
9You may see it at low tide, a ledge level as a paved causeway, and God help the ship that strikes on it!
10This was no sooner done than he went aft to the wheel, where he arrived in time to help the ship to fall off.
11That helps the ship stay stable.
12The besieged sent out a party to help the ships, but having no boats they could not assist them.
13"I will help the ship prepare lunch," said A. Bettik.
14"Is there no hope," they asked, "of helping the ship?"
15A moment later, the two lay brothers appeared and helped the ship's master lead the horses on deck and secure them for the voyage.
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