Encara no tenim significats per a "hideous form".
1A hideous form emerged through the smoke shrouding the end of the street.
2Panic, in its most hideous form got hold of them.
3Again, Poverty in a hideous form running behind a youth.
4His hideous form would have made them die with fear.
5Hazily he recalled a grim and hideous form, hairy, ferocious.
6Mole stood for a moment or two, silent and pensive, beside that hideous form.
7He felt that its rusty hideous form, looming against the sky line, was a crime.
8She rose and flung her arms against a hideous form which was about to seize her.
9She was almost unaware of Monk watching her as the reason took hideous form in her mind.
10Breathing brought pain as he backtracked to find her, but a hideous form flew toward his face.
11For the love of God, do not assume any hideous form; you have scared me sufficiently for the nonce.
12Having got close to the water's edge, she stood gazing upon the hideous form, and trembled as she gazed.
13If he had not slain him with his own hand, the crime was still there, in its most hideous form.
14Life was now extinct, and the hideous form, extended to its full length, lay lithe and motionless upon the grass.
15Higher, I saw the hideous form of the dread goddess, rising up through the red gloom, thousands of fathoms above me.
16It rushes to your lips every time you speak, and drags its hideous form into your imagination every time you think.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Hideous form a través del temps
Hideous form per variant geogràfica