1I told de boy to hol' de hosses till I fix somethin'.
2I- Idunnowhedder de cer'mony will hol' away up North or not.
3I expect he can hol' on till you've tended to yo' stummick.
4I's pretty sho to git hol' of de bes' an' de riches'.
5Dey ain' one er dem ladies w'at could hol' a candle ter her.
6I tol' her tew go astern an' hol' on hard tew th' stake.
7Laws, honey, I'se so excited, I cain't hol' my eyes shet.
8Ah knows who yo' is an' Ah's gwine hol' yo' up!
9It's hell, love is, whin it gits a good hol' on a damn fool.
10I come by your rancho an' stay one hol' week.
11Yer take hol', while Ah stand by a bit.
12He hol's his haid so high, he ain' got no time fo' his ol' Mammy.
13But Ah ain't shore it'll hol' enny more'n you.
14Chil', that box hol's all my treasures on arth!
15You hol' on to her han', an' go to sleep; she'll git dem old cunjers out.
16Ah'll jest set t' git my second wind, an' then Ah'll tek right hol' of things!