Encara no tenim significats per a "honour name".
1Everybody called him the missionary, spoke of him as the missionary,-thrice-honouredname!
2Oh, who could find the right prenomen and honouring name for such longing!
3Some of these men won honoured names in our history.
4Brooks Darling had already shown himself worthy of the honoured name which he bore.
5It is meant that you know not what you worship under those honoured names.
6Is our honoured name to be cursed and spat on?
7By every consideration, therefore, the honoured name of Baird is entitled to a place in these sketches.
8And, what is far more serious in my estimation, your honoured name is associated with a failure!
9He had tossed an honoured name into the mire; he required no prison bars to accentuate this misery.
10That is her great watchword: "his honoured name."
11You have offered me your name, de Sigognac, your noble, honoured name, and that is enough for me.
12I had a lovely family and an honoured name, but I dragged it and my family into the dust.
13There are few names which are more highly esteemed among the Evangelical party than the honoured name of Venn.
14All around me, famous clubs with old and honoured names were already gone, reduced to cinders and blackened frames.
15For the love I bore and yet bear to his most honoured name, tell me- Iconjurethee, tell me-his earthly resting-place.
16Her father of course was, and would be, the real difficulty, and the blight which had descended on the once honoured name.