A movie that is supposed to elicit feelings of fear, horror and disgust from the viewer.
1As the video's description reads: It's the horror movie of the year.
2Made for a great setup for any number of horror movie scenarios.
3It's like a horror movie except this is reality, said Gabrielle Union.
4The 2017 film is also the highest-grossing horror movie of all time.
5The Irish Timesinvites readers to invent a horror movie about recession-era Ireland.
6For a horror movie, it's not very scary in the conventional sense.
7It is precisely what happens when Joss Whedon makes a horror movie.
8England took to a playing field that resembled a horror movie set.
9We both screamed like six-year-olds who just saw their first horror movie.
10Working for the Guptas seems like something out of a horror movie.
11So what I am doing signing to up horror movie site Shudder?
12Unsurprisingly, lampreys have starred in their own horror movie: 2014's Blood Lake.
13Slowly, like in a bad horror movie, I turned around once more.
14Don's subsequent actions seem to say, You want a horror movie?
15Tess thought it was a fine night for a horror movie.
16The horror movie of 1993 became a vital part of United's European education.
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Translations for horror movie