Then he went to the hygeen, or camel, hoping that water might revive it, but the poor beast was past that-itseyes were already glazing.
Then he spoke to his hygeen, which knelt down, whereupon he dismounted, and went up to the figure of a man lying on the sand.
As he came rapidly round towards us flourishing his coorbatch, I called to him, Is that a nice hygeen for the Sit (lady), El Baggar?
As he came rapidly round toward us flourishing his coorbatch, I called to him, Is that a nice hygeen for the Sit (lady), EL Baggar?
Some of the camels trained to trot, and called hygeens, are a bit easier, I believe.
Our factotum, El Baggar, had collected a number of baggage-camels and riding dromedaries, or "hygeens".
He promised to act as our guide, and that hygeens should be waiting at the tent-door at sunrise.
"My hygeen is dead; I am weary and wounded; and the chance is yours," said the Arab.
Mounted upon hygeens, Mek Nimmur's irregulars thought nothing of marching sixty miles in one day; thus their attack and retreat were equally sudden and unexpected.
We now enjoyed the contrast between the light active step of first-class hygeens, and the heavy swinging action of the camels we had hitherto ridden.