Type of insulated box used to keep food and drink cool.
1It should be kept in a glass-covered jar in the ice box.
2Keep in the ice box or stand them in cold water until needed.
3When cool, remove and place at once in the ice box.
4How are we to keep our food without an ice box?
5This should be whipped in a cool place and set in the ice box.
6Place the oysters in the ice box, near the ice, until ready to serve.
7Punch down and place in the ice box or some other cool place overnight.
8Set this mixture aside in ice box for 6 hours.
9Six dozen oysters would cover this floor from the door to the ice box.
10The ice truck came around in the summer with ice for everyone's ice box.
11Put this in the ice box for Mr. Albert's supper.
12He took a lighted candle, and together they went back to the ice box.
13In the gleaming white kitchen she found an old-fashioned ice box lined with zinc.
14To Keep Candles in Warm Weather.-Keepyour candles in the ice box this warm weather.
15Rub through a sieve into a bowl and place in the ice box until needed.
16The colored cook comes in and is asked how she likes the electric ice box.