Of or relating to a seizure or convulsion.
1We find two statistically significant ST patterns that uniquely characterize ictal epochs.
2Four of them exhibited the ictal pattern of versive seizures with vomiting.
3Pelvic thrusting and ictal eye closure are not reliable indicators of PNES.
4Significance: Directed connectivity measures may help identify epileptogenic networks without requiring ictal recordings.
5We conclude that millimeter-scale ST spike dynamics contain useful information about ictal state.
6However, in the 2 left-handed patients, the ictal focus was left temporal lobe.
7A single patient had an ictal PET scan which demonstrated increased hippocampal glucose uptake.
8Cooling also suppresses transition from gamma oscillation to ictal bursting at higher stimulus intensities.
9Outcome was unrelated to the availability of ictal video-EEG recording.
10The topography mapping of ictal EEG magnitude was subsequently displayed on a surface-rendered MRI.
11Numerous computer-aided tools have been used to increase objectivity and accuracy of ictal SPECT analysis.
12Diagnostic gain may be achieved with addition of either PET or ictal SPECT to MSI.
13Blindness is a rare ictal phenomenon in epileptic seizures.
14Phase maps had the highest sensitivity and identified ictal activity at earlier time-point than visual inspection.
15We sought to assess critically the predictable value of ictal bradycardia for seizure localization and lateralization.
16Across all frequency bands, we find significant increases in structure-function coupling from pre-ictal to ictal periods.
Ictal per variant geogràfica