State of governance which has some features of liberal democracy but lacks personal freedom.
Examples for "illiberalism"
Examples for "illiberalism"
1Critics say he mixed pragmatism in foreign policy with conservatism and illiberalism domestically.
2Which brings me to the innermost doll: illiberalism.
3Perhaps the most commonly detested product of Labour's illiberalism has been its expansion of the nanny state.
4Typically, the response is liberal illiberalism, the use of coercion to compel adherence to the liberal tenets.
5David Cameron continued much of the economic thinking of Thatcher but jettisoned most of her social illiberalism.
1By persuasion and force let him establish his illiberal democracy, ideally without a valid opposition.
2His first book, The Future of Freedom, introduced into the language the notion of illiberal democracy.
3Macron evoked the problem of " illiberal democracy" in a speech at the Élysée this month.
4We know by now what illiberal democracies are.
5Commentary: Even in world's oldest democracies, citizens may be losing control We know by now what illiberal democracies are.
6So, if Hungary and Poland want to build illiberal democracies, they must do it outside the EU's structures and without EU funds.
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Translations for illiberal democracy