Encara no tenim significats per a "impart to".
1Hence irrigation must impart to the soil more salts than natural inundation.
2She has much to impart to the United States in these matters.
3No subsequent event was possible to impart to him the incredible truth.
4I sought Xarisa, to impart to her the secret I had learned.
5She wanted to impart to the student what Dan had told her.
6But he did not go incontinently to impart to her that information.
7My lady has received some tidings she would impart to her highness.
8I neither asked then, nor did he impart to me, his name.
9I wish you would impart to me a little of your knowledge.''
10Oh, that he would impart to me the secret of his composure!
11It's really quite a hopeful thing we want to impart to New Zealanders.
12She would take leave of you; and-and-shehassomething to impart to you.
13Any skin lesion which may impart to the skin the quality of roughness.
14It is perhaps my duty to impart to you the little I know.
15That evil which you have in yourself you wish to impart to them.
16I now beg you to impart to me the reason of your visit.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Impart to a través del temps
Impart to per variant geogràfica