Being in effect or operation.
Examples for "operating"
Examples for "operating"
1Major technology companies now clearly believe in the remarkable cooperatively-developed operating system.
2Some 16 foreign mining companies are operating in the Red Sea state.
3Air New Zealand is currently operating 16 return international services a week.
4Main outcome measurements: Diagnostic findings, operating times, and clinical course were recorded.
5Squareup Europe Ltd was previously operating as Integrated Business Support Ltd UK.
1Health Minister Jonathan Coleman says the problems are at an operational level.
2Videotex is already operational in several countries, including Brazil, Britain, and France.
3Britain's Home Office said operational decisions were a matter for the police.
4Specific operational questions were for the ministry to answer, Mr Twyford said.
5Pakistani authorities doubt that Islamic State has operational links with Pakistani militants.
1Glass is called Hydro Development Group; it has several sites in operation.
2To make sure that the technology will continue to be in operation.
3The new LUAS night link service is in operation until 23 December.
4The goal was to have the project in operation in one year.
5Additional radar speed checks will also be in operation throughout the State.
6It appears, however, that there are forces stronger than me in operation.
7Built without planning permission, it has been in operation for four years.
8At least one similar pump is already in operation at the plant.
9The company hopes to have the plant back in operation next month.
10The airline's transatlantic service has now been in operation for ten years.
11Founded in 2000, Woodstock has been in operation for over seven years.
12A PRIVATE Dublin hospital is to close after 50 years in operation.
13The whole secret-service machinery of the Government has been put in operation.
14Several of the original members have withstood nearly a half-century in operation.
15But the research labs have been in operation for over two years.
16But in Gallio there is a trace of tendencies always in operation.