Encara no tenim significats per a "inborn talent".
1Not inborn talent alone, but the use which one makes of it, counts in evolution.
2Bitterness, it is said, is an inborn talent.
3But was it an inborn talent or one that had been carefully taught and purposefully hidden?
4Here Rostopchine's inborn talent as tribune and publicist, as comedian and tragedian, showed itself to perfection.
5Well, things like inborn talent, family background.
6This is strictly an inborn talent.
7Such clear-headedness was an inborn talent.
8Shiela might not have a ton of inborn talent, but she evidently had enough discipline to offset the lack.
9Give me, first of all, thy royal word not to kill me for my inborn talent, but to have mercy upon me.
10Colwin stresses that although some have an " inborn talent" for cookery, these are skills that can be acquired with some commitment to good food.
11With Transplant, you can get the inborn talents, the skills, the knowledge that you want.
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