Encara no tenim significats per a "included to".
1This time Hunter Predd was included to bring the number to nine.
2They are included to provide the correct date in a consistent format.
3The cysteine was included to provide a conjugation site for future radiolabeling studies.
4A chart of colors and their meanings is included to help you choose.
5Random intercepts for each hospital were included to control for clustering.
6Educational materials were included to help laboratories identify and correct each PT failure.
7Note that leading zeros are included to make the mask three digits long.
8Six additional commercial tanks were included to identify the dominant microorganisms using molecular methods.
9This subsection is here included to test the performance of AHE at species level.
10Patients eligible for Ontario's Drug Benefit Plan were included to ensure accurate prescription data.
11Men were included to verify the expected pattern of sex differences on cognitive tests.
12Even the estheticism, which I only included to tease you.
13Policy material was included to illustrate the socio-political context of the development of community services.
14Nanopatent applications were included to best quantify innovation occurring in nanotech, the study's authors said.
15The latter two groups were included to study possible toxicity synergism between the two drugs.
16Patient-specific modifiers and neurologic status were also included to aid surgeons in therapeutic decision making.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Included to a través del temps