Encara no tenim significats per a "inordinate love".
1Now ordinate love belongs to charity; while inordinate love belongs to wickedness.
2One thing that invariably amused me was his inordinate love of uniforms.
3Then also shall immoderate fear depart from thee, and inordinate love shall die.
4An inordinate love of gain, a close-fisted, hoarding disposition will have kindred effects.
5Truly we deceive ourselves by the inordinate love which we bear towards the flesh.
6It is a false, inordinate love of thyself, from whence flow all the deadly sins.
7Charles II, as we have seen, lived solely to gratify his inordinate love of pleasure.
8How can it be purified of all other inordinate love except by dryness and bitterness?
9But, in venial sin, the soul is in contact with a temporal thing through inordinate love.
10One of them (1) is the inordinate love of wealth.
11Mrs. Harrington began to see her way; already her inordinate love of power was at work.
12Y: And ye love wealth with inordinate love!
13There were reformers in plenty, but their inordinate love of publicity ruined the effectiveness of their work.
14From inordinate love and vain fear ariseth all disquietude of heart, and all distraction of the senses.
15The inordinate love they have for themselves and for created things, which they love apart from God.
16He is said to have combined a cynical contempt of mankind with an inordinate love of praise.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Inordinate love a través del temps
Inordinate love per variant geogràfica