Ford felt this intellectualrigor reverse itself when it came to Iraq.
This muddled thinking is simply partisanship posing as intellectualrigor.
He combines intellectualrigor with a sense of drama, adventure, and pure pop pleasure.
Halsey tried to apply the same intellectualrigor to analyzing herself as she did with others.
The RAND researchers used an analytic method called robust decision making to try to put some intellectualrigor into the question.
Can we put capitalism on the table and talk about it with the same intellectualrigor that we welcome for other topics?
It was a kind of hint that Soloway probably knew she could never replicate the intellectualrigor of her source material for television.
I find the small bit of intellectualrigor required to define who I'm voting for to be personally reassuring: like I'm making the right choice.
My months of convalescence had confused me somewhat, slowed my usually acute perceptions of things, but now I could feel the old intellectualrigor returning.