Dargaville Diesel Specialists' was suspended from issuingwarrants of fitness in August.
Dargaville Diesel Specialists has been issuingwarrants since 2010.
The Transport Agency has admitted knowing since 2011 that a Dargaville mechanic was issuingwarrants without doing crucial checks.
The Attorney-General was best suited for the job of dealing with legal matters such as issuingwarrants, he told Morning Report.
A west Auckland garage suspended from issuingwarrants of fitness was warned over car repairs it charged for but never completed.
Simpson was not as sexy a name drop as Jagger, but last she heard, none of the Stones was issuingwarrants.
She said there weren't enough officers to deal with the huge workload of monitoring all of the garages and mechanics issuingwarrants.
Another vehicle inspector has been suspended from issuingwarrants of fitness after it was found an unauthorised person was carrying out inspections.
Photo: 123RF Glenfield-based company North Harbour Brakes and Steering, and its vehicle inspector John Murdoch, have been immediately suspended from issuingwarrants of fitness.
David Gundry from Whangarei-based A-1 Auto Spares and Repairs has been issuingwarrants of fitness to vehicles with non-compliant modifications and serious rust problems.
After the departure of the gendarmes Lechesneau returned to the important question of issuingwarrants for the arrest of the Simeuse and d'Hauteserre brothers.
Their functions have been greatly curtailed, and now amount to little more than administering oaths, and in some cases issuingwarrants and taking bail.
Two dozen garages nationwide have been suspended from issuingwarrants and almost 40,000 vehicles approved by them face re-inspection.
This after the Transport Agency stood by and let a Dargaville garage keep on issuingwarrants despite years of warnings it wasn't checking vehicles properly.