A teacher and prophet born in Bethlehem and active in Nazareth; his life and sermons form the basis for Christianity (circa 4 BC - AD 29)
Examples for "Redeemer"
Examples for "Redeemer"
1Drevlow is taking him to the Seniors' Group at Holy Redeemer Lutheran.
2The Redeemer was deeply interested in every age and condition of man.
3There is the first declaration of the coming of this wondrous Redeemer.
4We have forgotten that He is the Giver, the Creator, the Redeemer.
5Learn more about the Christ the Redeemer statue at its official website.
1There they all were held in durance, waiting for the Great Deliverer.
2You have seen the white man with her-notthe Deliverer, the other.
3King Sobieski, the Father, famed Deliverer of Vienna, was in high dudgeon.
4The Deliverer, it need not be said, was hailed with joy indescribable.
5The change in the conception of the Deliverer could hardly be more complete.
1And she said, 'Jesus.' And then she said, 'Half an hour, Christopher.
2So it is that Jesus's words today made me stop, think, reflect.
3I couldn't understand yet what Jesus was trying to help me understand.
4Next time the subject came up, I made sure I mentioned Jesus.
5Then I believed in God and in Jesus Christ and in Heaven.
1That name is the name of Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified One.
2Between him and Jesus of Nazareth I will let the people choose.
3By the use of these words did Lincoln characterize Jesus of Nazareth.
4We must do without God and hold on to Jesus of Nazareth.
5The high priest tells me that you know this Jesus of Nazareth.
1So saying, the Nazarene went back joyfully to Mary and the Beth-Dagonite.
2Carefully, tenderly, the Nazarene walked by the woman's side, leading-strap in hand.
3If I rebuild it, the Nazarene will be proved a false prophet.
4Now which is right: Suzon or Father Hallon-Aphrodite or the Nazarene?
5He thinks the Nazarene is John the Baptizer risen from the dead!
1Photo: 123RF Last year, Christ Church became a symbol of the future.
2God alone will not redeem India; in nature; transforming world through Christ.
3In the Pounds there is opposition to Christ; in the Talents, none.
4We haven't seen any new ones for eleven hours now, thank Christ.
5It's fairly recent, as far as Egypt goes, first century before Christ.
1The Church ought to have faith in the apparitions of the Savior.
2First, the conduct of the Savior himself in relation to the subject.
3This was in the year 76 before the birth of our Savior.
4The English clergyman and the child who gave himself to the Savior.
5These are not the doctrines taught by the Savior of the world.
1Beasts and dragons knew in the desert the Saviour of the world.
2The upper part of the picture discloses the transfiguration of the Saviour.
3It was grand, noble; the Saviour himself would have rejoiced over it.
4Next in renown were those precious relics, the tears of the Saviour.
5Even the Saviour had been kind to the woman of the streets.
1The Church of the Good Shepherd by George Empson; Rev Andrew McDonald.
2In the Gospel this weekend we hear of Christ the Good Shepherd.
3Edel Mahady worked at the Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School in Perth.
4So Willie turned to the Good Shepherd, and was no longer afraid.
5The Good Shepherd has found me, and I'm going to see Him.
1Then I believed in God and in Jesus Christ and in Heaven.
2The example of Jesus Christ is the all-instructive one in the case.
3These conditions meet in the Lord Jesus Christ and in Him alone.
4Title: The Trial of the Witnessses of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
5The one transforming power is faith in the love of Jesus Christ.
6This is not my house; it is the house of Jesus Christ.
7What exactly do they think will happen when Jesus Christ comes again?
8The true Jesus Christ was to be with us in the spirit.
9Farewell in God the Father, and in Jesus Christ, our common hope.
10Then believe that that general, the Lord Jesus Christ, is your general.
11Believe in Jesus Christ, and let us baptize you in his name.
12He commanded him out of me in the name of Jesus Christ.
13By divine approbation of the Spirit of Jesus Christ in his word.
14The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
15His Holiness Jesus Christ sought to create this love in the hearts.
16Jesus Christ had nowhere to rest on earth but in the Sepulchre.
Translations for jesus christ