An unusual case of a patient presenting with a large infected haematoma following a traumatic grade II acromioclavicular jointdislocation is reported.
Background: Controversy surrounds the indication for treatment of type 3 acromioclavicular jointdislocation, and the optimal reconstructive technique has not yet been defined.
Objective: To investigate a drilling guide in the treatment of acromioclavicular jointdislocation with closed reduction and Kirschner fixation and explore the therapeutic effect.
Instead, some patients who received the ASR hips reported experiencing pain, swelling, jointdislocation and sometimes damage to the central nervous system, thyroid and heart.
A statement from Cavendish's Omega-Pharma-Quickstep team said x-rays had shown "ligament ruptures with an AC- jointdislocation", which was causing Cavendish "a lot of pain".
Larsen syndrome is characterized by multiple congenital jointdislocations and flattened facies.
Distal interphalangeal jointdislocations are only rarely complex and irreducible.
Larsen syndrome is characterized by multiple congenital jointdislocations and a characteristic flattened facial appearance.
Background: Acromio-clavicular (AC) jointdislocations are very common following falls on the shoulder or an overstretched hand.