Cause (somebody) to feel happier or more cheerful.
Examples for "cheer"
Examples for "cheer"
1Well, she's why I called actually, Douglas said with determined good cheer.
2Record tourist numbers are bringing cheer to companies involved in the sector.
3Some will hope for an England win; others will cheer for Portugal.
4The crowds felt free to cheer, jeer, and offer questions and comments.
5With light hearts and good cheer we proceeded to the holy city.
1But if it's coming up for morning, things'll cheer up a bit.
2But cheer up, dear, cheer up; and the Colonel broke down entirely.
3But she hoped very much that James might cheer up in London.
4So cheer up, Captain; and buy a flower off a poor girl.
5Now cheer up and think no more about it for the present.
1His none-more-Mancunian vowels are jollied along by a pleasingly cheery demeanour.
2His none-more-Mancunian vowels are jollied along by a pleasingly cheery deme(...)
3We jollied along in a party, or separated into pairs in cross-country riding, covering about seven miles an hour.
4"Now," said he, "I must go and jolly along the other boys.
5They're going to find that out soon, and if you think they're going to enjoy being jollied along, you're mistaken.
1Never saw a fellow jolly up so in my life.
2Why, the profs used to come to our feeds and jolly up with the crowd.
3We've got to work out a routine, make contacts, dig up some news sources, jolly up the locals a bit.
4No, I shouldn't; it's real jolly up there when the big barn is full and eighty horses have to be taken care of.
5I make 'em my friends, and I dance with the girls and I jolly up the men, and we are all good pals together.
6There's tools to open things, an' you hev to be ready to 'xplain how you come thur an' jolly up a parlor maid per'aps.
7The honest fellow was more than half crazed by strong waters, incomprehensible words, and " jollying up" which the young chaps had given him.
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Translations for jolly up