The kadhi courts deal with matters of marriage, divorce and inheritance among Muslims.
A kadhi court verdict can be appealed at the High Court.
Opposition to the Muslim kadhi courts has brought together Christian clergy and some politicians to oppose the proposed constitution.
Kadhi's are appointed under similar rules as the broader judiciary through the judicial services commission.
A Kadhi is sent here early from Constantinople.
Among the Turks litigations are, in the last extremity, decided by the Kadhi of Damascus, or by the Pasha in person.
The draft constitution is explicit in limiting the jurisdiction of the Kadhi's courts to those who would seek out its assistance.
The Franks on the coast commonly give to the Nahr Kadhi the name of Damour, an appellation not unknown to the natives.
Others in the "No" camp include the Catholic church and evangelical ministers opposed to the inclusion of Muslim Kadhi courts.
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Granted, there is some difference in the manner in which the jurisdiction of the Kadhi's courts has been delineated in the draft constitution.
The authority which his antecedents had secured for him made him as matter of course the great national "Kadhi" in the wilderness.
Others in the "No" camp include Christian church leaders opposed to the inclusion of Muslim Kadhi courts and measures allowing abortions on medical grounds.