Air-launched land attack cruise missile.
1There is a little-known technique to using a kazoo in times of crisis.
2Firstly, place the kazoo carefully in the centre of a table.
3Why do I own a kazoo?' Stop when you are unconscious or dead.
4Jax puts one end of the kazoo in his mouth.
5And then I could play along with a kazoo.
6She felt like a world-class musician standing before a full auditorium and handed a kazoo.
7A genial but private man, he appeared on the platform bearing a ukulele and a kazoo.
8Halle had Bart and bucks out the kazoo.
9Kokkinakis shoots a glare at the kazoo.
10Jax takes the kazoo from his mouth.
12It sounded weirdly modulated, as if being filtered through fifty feet of a corrugated pipe and a kazoo.
13Cameron Mesirow aka Glasser, the daughter of a kazoo player and a performance artist, was destined to be different.
14It sounded like someone relentlessly playing the kazoo during one of the more somber passages of a War Requiem.
15Zoot, who was white and had the beginnings of a mustache, took the yellow wax-candy kazoo from his mouth.
16Eschliman sings and plays everything from guitar to kazoo on the Christmas Jug Band's new live recording, On the Holiday Highway.