Encara no tenim significats per a "keep letters".
1It's not often that I keep letters, but this was an exception.
2Also of rushes be made paniers, boxes, and cases, and baskets to keep letters and other things in.
3Why should I keep letters which would lay a rope around my neck any day they were found?
4I hope you have not that ugly trick of keeping letters.
5People feel safe at home; he might have kept letters, pamphlets... they're not above blackmail, either.'
6Amex kept letters longer than post restantes, and I was never sure when I would be arriving somewhere.
7"I seldom keep letters," she said, "unless I have to answer them."
8"They would never dare to keep letters back."
9Sometimes men have a fashion of keeping letters and documents in their coat pockets; and between us I believe you'll find something like that here.
10Keeping Letters.-Itis a bad plan to keep old letters, especially if they are of a personal nature, or if they contain confidences or secrets.
11"I never keep letters," said Mrs. Armiger, under the obvious impression that she was contributing a valuable point to the discussion.
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