Encara no tenim significats per a "kin to".
1And as for being kin to the Volskys-theidea was quite unthinkable.
2The next of kin to the king went to where they stood.
3The people are Slavonic, and kin to the Croats of ancient history.
4You know how the Brons number their kin to the seventh generation.
5He wouldna allow my kin to pursue the monsters who harmed me.
6Nerubians-no ,no ,notnerubians, not Anub'arak's people, but kin to them, yes.
7Who serves my father as a son is surely kin to me.
8Am I nay as much kin to him as ye and Padrig?
9I call them my family, but they are no kin to me.
10Not that they are any kin to me, for they are not.
11That was true enough, though she was not blood kin to Borenson.
12In all the world there is no one that is kin to me.
13The air was so buoyant that it was closely kin to the sea.
14As next of kin to the deceased he presides over the funeral rites.
15Ledford hadn't mentioned his suspicion that he was somehow kin to the Bonecutters.
16Would ye let him be taking your kin to the grave with him?
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Kin to a través del temps
Kin to per variant geogràfica