Encara no tenim significats per a "knightly deeds".
1I see knightly deeds, violence, rapine, and a good deal of blood.
2But these knightly deeds did not advance the war at all.
3On the quiet island Huldbrand heard no call to knightly deeds.
4Here were St. George, King Arthur, Sir Scudamour, Sir Lancelot-allbut their living faces and their knightly deeds!
5Now have I noted well the knightly deeds, through which ye be by right the sovran of the land.
6And where thou tookest the crown of gold thou sinnest in covetise and in theft: all this were no knightly deeds.
7For seven years Horn abode at Thurston's court, serving in arms under him and winning great fame by his knightly deeds.
8He had a deep scar on his forehead, which he had evidently received during his youth when he performed knightly deeds.
9What kind of rascal, who by his own admission cared little about the consequences of his deeds, held knightly deeds in such esteem?
10Jack's fame rang through the whole country, and the King gave him a large estate to reward him for all his brave and knightly deeds.
11"Come now to our father the king: you shall do knightly deeds in his service."
12"Shall we speak to him," he cried, "of knightly deeds, of prowess, and of valour?
138 So creeping close, as snake in hidden weeds, 9 Inquires of our states, and of our knightly deeds.
14"Nowadays," Barby went on, "because men do not ride around 'clad in bright armor,' doing knightly deeds, people do not recognize them as knights.
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Knightly deeds a través del temps
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