Expression of grief in song, music, or poetry.
Examples for "lament"
Examples for "lament"
1Sir, -Many sincere Christians lament alcohol being sold today, Good Friday.
2Advocates of hybrid technology often lament the high cost of the cars.
3Bowman was left to lament a missed opportunity, but not for long.
4The next is the lament of the mother over her dead son:
5No need to lament a scarcity that's in your hands to change.
1Then he fell-inthe gutter; and there was general sorrow and lamentation.
2The lamentation of the people of God in their captivity in Babylon.
3Weeping and moaning and lamentation was the principal order of the occasion.
4In the castle of the Greylocks, meanwhile, there was sorrow and lamentation.
5Whilst the prince made this lamentation, the Queen came before the King.
1After the "Lamento" it seems a "Trionfo" is now about to be sounded.
2"La musica e il lamento dell' amore o la preghiera a gli Dei."
327; La Meditation, Second Scherzo, B flat minor-meditation it is not!-IILamento e la Consolazione, Nocturnes, op.
Translations for lament music