Portuguese word; "home", "at home"
No hi ha cap exemple disponible per a cap sinònim
1The three hour flight was replete with champagne, brie and simi- lar delicacies.
2Ah, he was a very sing'lar marn- averysing'lar marn indeed.
3The FCC ruled in 1990 that eavesdropping on cellu- lar telephone calls was legal.
4But hereabouts in Cornwall Coombe we look on the old ways with partic'lar relish.
5Truth's truth, no consequence how sing'lar its appearance may be; and so now to begin.
6He'm werry sing'lar how a young folk do forget!
7It's a trade by itself, you might say, observin' is, an' there's another sing'lar corraption!
8Scott asked to no one in particu- lar.
9You got any partic'lar way you prefer?
10I'm here now on business-youunderstand-reg'larbusiness.
11You'll be kopt yourselves some o' these days with this way of doin' things, har lar theater.'
12It is the modern 'Hylobates lar'.
13You can search for a particu-lar title and listen to it - some tracks include clips from music videos.
14Each lar gibbon rearrangement was defined by a splitting BAC clone or by two overlapping clones flanking the breakpoint.
15It is kind of sing'lar at fust, I'm free to confess, and not as churchy as some folks like.
16One man in particu lar caught his and Ockish' eye: a slight, dark-haired Vorlander on the far side of forty.