A man of ripe scholarship and of high legalattainments.
What the extent of his legalattainments may have been it is difficult to say.
Judge Walker was distinguished for great purity of character as well as superior legalattainments.
He became distinguished for attention to business, and for talent, as well as legalattainments.
But, under the emperors, the lawyers were chiefly distinguished for their legalattainments, like Paulus and Ulpian.
He had sat on the bench for many years and was considered a man of great legalattainments and skill.
Having the profoundest respect for the brigadier's legalattainments, and no great confidence in my own, I was fain to submit.
There were few more eminent as advocates, or more successful as practitioners, though his legalattainments were never of a very high order.
Mr. Archibald was noted for his dignified demeanour, sound legalattainments, and clear plausible style of oratory, well calculated to instruct a learned audience.
But it was not only in the higher region of legalattainments that he gained superiority; his mind was enriched with choice classic cultivation also.