(Law) the residence where you have your permanent home or principal establishment and to where, whenever you are absent, you intend to return; every person is compelled to have one and only one domicile at a time.
Has a legalresidence in Rye, England, but originally came from Savannah.
Lauretta Klick's legalresidence is a retirement community in Florida called the Hamlets.
My legalresidence is here; but my actual domicile is still in the District.
All I know is her legalresidence is North Carolina.
They would retain their legalresidence in Mississippi and return only when their lawsuit required it.
Tyco was ahead of many big U.S. industrial companies in seeking tax relief by moving its legalresidence offshore.
The door to legalresidence had slammed shut when Micheal followed poor legal advice and travelled home to get married.
Suspecting foul play, he spoke to the Bucks Countian who declared he had changed his legalresidence and registration to town.
The two-step application process means your residence permit can be issued within just three months and your citizenship after 12 months of legalresidence.
The rules have made some offenders homeless, including five men in Florida who live under a bridge because no legalresidence can be found.
To attain Maltese citizenship, you are required to hold a legalresidence in Malta for 12 months in order to complete the legalresidence requirements.
The man, who had a legalresidence permit for Denmark, was also "suspected of being involved in terror-related activities in East Africa," it said.
Temporary worker programme: Senate allows up to 200,000 people to enter US each year as temporary workers with the possibility of permanent legalresidence.
In addition, you will need to invest EUR 150,000 into Malta government bonds for at least five years and hold a legalresidence in Malta.