Encara no tenim significats per a "legal systems".
1But other legal systems manage to get round these problems without secret hearings.
2No bank accounts, no property ownership, no access to legal systems.
3The study of other legal systems has been treated as marginal at best.
4The ideas of both have trickled down into our moral and legal systems.
5As we understand legal systems, I suppose they don't have one.
6They seem to have written commentaries on the legal systems without originating anything new.
7Providing safeguards through enforcement action can be tough, however, because of the different legal systems.
8Much of the complication stems from the differences between the Italian and U.S. legal systems.
9They have very different legal systems and law-enforcement mechanisms.
10This leads to our final historical lesson: justice is an outcome that legal systems cannot guarantee.
11United Technologies Corp. UTX.N cited foreign countries' differing legal systems and customs as posing special challenges.
12Germany also argues that the EU and Canadian legal systems already afford sufficient protection for investors.
13It is also the main body of our legal systems- acomplexmass of prohibitions and preventions.
14States, as political entities, are constituted on this assumption; so are legal systems, religion, and education.
15In many countries, gender discrimination is still woven into the fabric of legal systems and social norms.
16Hong Kong officials have publicly backed the Qianhai project, offering expertise on financial markets and legal systems.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Legal systems per variant geogràfica