They capture rainfall, the water sits there and settles so lesssediment reaches the treatment plants.
Swiss hydropower is not completely dependent on glaciers, he stressed: melting snow is more important and provides run-off with lesssediment.
The Rhine conveys to the sea much lesssediment than either of the other two rivers.-Lombardini ,Cargiamentinella condizione del Po, pp.
Over time, as the ice sheet receded farther and farther north, the river systems began to adjust to their current slower and lesssediment-choked condition.
What we can speak is generally only foam from the surface, with more or lesssediment in it; while the pure current flows untouched beneath.
Coffee came out smooth and flavorful without too much bitterness, and the filter is fine enough that there was lesssediment than many immersion brewers.
The Current of the Missourie is less rapid & contains much lessSediment of the Same Colour.