Orders of the King of France, often arrest warrants.
A warrant formerly issued by a French king who could warrant imprisonment or death in a signed letter under his seal.
Examples for "cachet"
Examples for "cachet"
1Matthew's work as an accountant did not carry quite the same cachet.
2The Tour de France has always had a special cachet in sport.
3The money was tempting, and the job title had a certain cachet.
4They also give H&M cachet that its rivals simply do not have.
5The cachet attached to coffee in this country has undergone several shifts.
1Issue a lettre de cachet and send her over sea to the Bastile.
2They were refused-but given up, on the lettre de cachet being produced.
3Tell me, Philippe, could a lettre de cachet reach me here?'
4He offered me her life while he refused me a lettre de cachet!
5What if the myrmidons of Louvois had come with a lettre de cachet!
6The lettre de cachet thus fell to the ground, but not the anger of the prelate.
7He would not grant me the lettre de cachet nor keep his promise for her removal.
8Grant me the lettre de cachet, and then-
9The lettre de cachet has been sent by Louvois to the king, and- ""Andthe king!"
10A ' lettre de cachet' for me!
11I ask you for a lettre de cachet, that is all. She suffered her hand to remain in his.
12Better had he issued the lettre de cachet than for you to fall into the hands of La Corriveau!
13In a week afterwards I was arrested, by a lettre de cachet of Mr. Stanton, and placed in the Bastile.
14The " lettre de cachet" was utilized, and Father La Combe was landed suddenly and safely in the Bastile.
15Subscribe the order and give me a receipt for the lettre de cachet, and you can go at your convenience.
16He did not want a scene, and feared to excite her wrath by mention again of the lettre de cachet.
Translations for lettre de cachet