Type of vaginal discharge.
Examples for "leucorrhoea"
Examples for "leucorrhoea"
1Yes; and, by the way, it is possible she may only have leucorrhoea.
2In girls, the vagina often becomes unnaturally enlarged, and leucorrhoea is often present.
3I was nervous, cold hands, feet, palpitation, headache, backache, constipation, leucorrhoea and no appetite, with bearing down pains.
4An inveterate leucorrhoea is not exactly a venereal disease, and I have heard people in London say that it was rarely contagious.
1The vagina was spacious and the woman had a profuse leukorrhea.
1A slight increase in estrogen related adverse effects (breast tenderness, leukorrhoea) was seen with the 0.10 mg patch.
Translations for leukorrhea nos of vagina