Ridge or wall to hold back water.
Examples for "dyke"
Examples for "dyke"
1The Makololo guided the canoes admirably through the opening in the dyke.
2No time was lost in breaking through the dyke in several places.
3The flood-battered Changkai dyke near Fuzhou suffered a fresh breach on Wednesday.
4I read in the paper that you're some sort of fucking dyke.
5On either side of the dyke was the water, black and silent.
1I can hear the lazy sea a short distance over the embankment.
2And a moment later Drusus saw the general coming up the embankment.
3He had paused on the brink of a crevasse in the embankment.
4The embankment dropped several feet down into the water weeds and mangroves.
5The city bus was almost as long as the embankment was high.
1He was not worried that the water would actually breach the dike.
2What's going to happen to the dike, after two months of floodwater?
3If the men could touch the dike before the fire, they won.
4Your argument about the perpendicularity of the dike strikes me as good.
5Grant guessed it would take four more passes to open the dike.
1There have been 13 trucks and three diggers working to repair the stopbank.
2The council will buy the land to put a new stopbank along the river banks.
3Photo: RNZ The Bay of Plenty Regional Council hoped to finish work on the stopbank tonight.
4Work has started to repair the stopbank breach.
5Sir Michael Cullen is heading an independent review into the breach of the Rangitaiki River stopbank.
1The chimneys of the Eel's Foot came into view along the floodbank.
2Other spectators were already crowding along the high floodbank, between the flares.
3I know where we can borrow a boat on the floodbank down there.
4It said new information about the state of the nearby floodbank delayed the re-start.
5RNZ reporter Tim Brown is on the floodbank in Gore.
1The next day they were at the prince's levée, and introduced by Edward.
2When the king's levée was announced, the persons not presented withdrew.
3It's a long time since you have been at a levée.
4The Queen held a levée on Friday, for gentlemen only.
5Who would go to a levée in a straw hat?
6I think these gentlemen have all been reinstated in their properties since the last levée.
7However, he wore the uniform to-day at the levée.
8He must not attempt to appear at the levée in any other than these conventional clothes.
9The next morning the King had a levée.
10None of the Whigs or Whig Radicals were at the levée, but a good many Tories.
11She was dressed in her brightest of morning dresses, and had quite a levée round her couch.
12I attended the levée of Prince Kaunitz.
13The great levée was over.
15But she likes her bed, as other pretty women do, and is practising for the petite levée, like a duchess.
16But the levée uniforms of the officers gave an air of brilliance contrasted with the civilians of the Government of Egypt.