An artificial wall, embankment, ridge, or mound, usually of earth or rock fill, built around a relatively flat, low-lying area to protect it from flooding.
1 And it better lead where you say, back to the levee road.
2 She knew what it was; the Mississippi had broken through the levee .
3 They decided that the levee board would issue bonds to pay them.
4 The only protection to the city from the river is the levee .
5 From Cairo south, every levee board was operating on a twenty-four-hour basis.
6 But wind and wave action was pushing water over the canal levee .
7 The levee was deserted save for the negroes and the river men.
8 On the levee it varied from six to thirty inches in depth.
9 On May 12 miles of the Bayou des Glaises levee simply crumbled.
10 After the storm, studies found the levee system had been poorly constructed.
11 A rising Mississippi presses against a levee with immense and increasing weight.
12 Gangs of men were busy working the north levee in Helena, Arkansas.
13 Only ten earth-moving levee machines were available for 800 miles of levees.
14 It had gone down nearly six inches, and the levee had held.
15 Facebook Twitter Pinterest A levee during the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927.
16 The river was overflowing the levee along a front of several miles.
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