Encara no tenim significats per a "license therapist".
1I'm not a licensed therapist but usually it means too much time.
2Consult with friends, family, clergy or a licensed therapist that you trust.
3S. Tia Brown is a New York City-based journalist and licensed therapist.
4S. Tia Brown is the Lifestyle Director at EBONY and a licensed therapist.
5S. Tia Brown is the lifestyle director at EBONY magazine and licensed therapist.
6S. Tia Brown is lifestyle director at EBONY magazine and is a licensed therapist.
7S. Tia Brown is the lifestyle director at EBONY magazine and a licensed therapist.
8S. Tia Brown is the lifestyle director of EBONY magazine and a licensed therapist.
9S. Tia Brown is the lifestyle editor at EBONY magazine and a licensed therapist.
10S. Tia Brown is a the lifestyle director at EBONY magazine and a licensed therapist.
11S. Tia Brown is EBONY magazine's Lifestyle Director, a licensed therapist and a proponent of solutions-based therapy.
12She is a licensed therapist specializing in women's issues, and runs support groups nationally for older first-time mothers.
13As a life coach, licensed therapist and real woman-dating, I have one tip for singletons: don't be desperate.
14And if you want to deconstruct some of that negative thinking, a licensed therapist can help you do that.
15The program, led by a licensed therapist, follows the traditional 12-step model found in alcoholics anonymous and narcotics anonymous programs.
16S. Tia Brown is EBONY's Lifestyle Director, a licensed therapist, and believes in love and the promise that it gives.