Encara no tenim significats per a "lie when".
1They often lie when there is not the slightest excuse for it.
2Would she tell an actual lie when it came to the point?
3And I told them a lie when I said he just disappeared.
4I didn't lie when I said it was already there within them.
5Why tell an obvious lie when a less obvious one will do?
6But I'll insist that you have the ability to lie when TMed.
7You want me to teach your people how to lie when misted.
8The statistics don't lie when it comes to the numbers playing golf.
9I did not lie when I told the Council you were ready.
10But you can still lie when TMed or injected with other drugs.
11And indeed she was telling no lie when she said that.
12It was a lie when I used it about, oh, two weeks ago.
13Borenka, my angel, I cannot lie when I see your face.
14You lie when you say a man can live without pity.
15Astonishing how easy it was to lie when it was necessary.
16We'll crack that old lie when we crack a bottle of this wine.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Lie when a través del temps
Lie when per variant geogràfica