Encara no tenim significats per a "lightest word".
1No longer the lightest word of a man made her head dizzy.
2Those who met him went away ready to back his lightest word.
3When the lightest word of Potsdam set ministries trembling in Petrograd and London.
4Thou art mistress here now; they all heed thy lightest word.
5The awful issue at stake gives significance to the lightest word or look.
6The great crowd listened with breathless interest to his lightest word.
7The public hung upon his lightest word, praying for his success.
8His opinions were maxims, his utterances apothegms, his lightest word authority.
9Way was made for him, his lightest word was attended.
10He watched Gray's every move; he sounded him out adroitly; he pondered his lightest word.
11Servants and children were devoted to her, and her lightest word was always promptly obeyed.
12Lew Hervey's lightest word had a weight with them.
13The lightest word of prayer would roll back on me like rocks on a drowning man.
14Their lightest word was a law to him.
15I could a tale unfold, whose lightest word
16As yet they hung upon his lightest word, and believed that what he did was best.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Lightest word a través del temps
Lightest word per variant geogràfica