Person who streams video on Twitch.
Examples for "streamer"
Examples for "streamer"
1Lisa Henson told the streamer to start adding zeroes to the budget.
2At the end of each streamer a little tinkling bell is sewed.
3He also has an animated film in the works for the streamer.
4From the top of each pole a broad, gayly colored streamer waved.
5Murphy's first show for the streamer, The Politician, will drop next month.
1Driscoll specifically suggests this as a gift for Twitch streamers.
2Instead, he ended up going full-time as a Twitch streamer, which has provided him another opportunity to help.
3Kitboga, Twitch Streamer You'd be hard-pressed to find someone who interacts with scam artists more often than Kitboga.
4All the great chroniclers of the human form have had their muses, and now, Twitch streamer Ninja is among them.
5The horrifying video featured Twitch streamer MrDeadMoth playing popular game Fortnite before allegedly getting into a verbal fight with his wife.
1Over the past few days, dozens of women have come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct against videogame streamers on Twitch.
1Activists who aim to shut down a freeway could have their movements blown by the presence of a livestreamer.
2State TV also criticised livestreamers who filmed themselves eating large amounts of food.
3And livestreamers may face retaliation after the fact.
4First, the police may target livestreamers because they have a camera or because they capture something important.
5SG: There is a range of ways in which livestreamers have been targeted over the past five years.
6It has particular implications for livestreamers since they might inadvertently film something and share it live, and then be prosecuted.
7Since the launch of the Clean Plate Campaign, state TV has criticised livestreamers who filmed themselves eating large amounts of food.
8E-Poemz and Johnny Dangers are the latest in a growing group of livestreamers bringing people from far away to the front lines.
9It's very easy to connect your GoPro to your phone's Periscope app, and it's a great development for the more action-oriented livestreamers out there.
10After a few hours of watching livestreamers E-Poemz or Johnny Dangers on February 22, 2017, you might have felt like you knew them.
Translations for livestreamer