Encara no tenim significats per a "loathsome creature".
1He shook and trembled with fear as he peeped at the loathsome creature.
2To be freed from the menace of this loathsome creature were relief indeed.
3There, bobbing her head and smirking mechanically, stood that loathsome creature, Old Meg.
4Any girl they embraced turned into a loathsome creature before their very eyes.
5Just promise you'll never turn me into some loathsome creature if we happen to disagree.
6I am but a worm... a loathsome creature.
7How can I keep her from being such a one as I am; such a wretched, loathsome creature!
8It is true, a hypocrite is a loathsome creature; but his badness will not make a profane man good.
9She was looking at him as if here were some filthy, loathsome creature that had come up from the ground.
10Tarantulas, scorpions, serpents, white ants, mosquitoes, and every kind of loathsome creature that flies and crawls is to be found there.
11Unceasingly and unrelentingly the loathsome creature dogs our imagination, more awful when he lurks unseen than when he stands actually before us.
12His end will be like that of this loathsome creature, whom you will please put into the hole as soon as possible.
13Oh, you vile, loathsome creature, if you knew how I hate you, how I detest your cropped head, your vulgar, prominent ears!'
14Could it be that Hannah's mother was the room-mate of this loathsome creature, whose profanity and obscenity did not intermit for a moment?
15The loathsome creatures fasten themselves in clusters wherever they can grip their fangs.
16The seven lower worlds are filled with all kinds of wicked and loathsome creatures.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Loathsome creature per variant geogràfica