Encara no tenim significats per a "long draught".
1He lifted the glass again and drained it in one long draught.
2Kent put the jug to his mouth and took a long draught.
3A long draught of brandy is, you know, good before a feast.
4The giant drew a deep breath, taking a long draught of air.
5The Count took a long draught of cognac, musing this idea.
6Lucius lifted the mug and without looking took a long draught.
7The old fellow clutched it with eager delight and took a long draught.
8Jedra handed the jug back, and Sahalik took a long draught.
9He took a long draught from his glass and filled it up again.
10Once again they each dipped down their heads and took another long draught.
11After taking a long draught, he continued, while the stranger closely watched him:
12She returned with a jug and glass, and he took a long draught.
13He took a long draught of water from his canteen, and felt better.
14The water was good, and Tom satisfied his thirst by a long draught.
15However, her father spoke after his first long draught of tea.
16He took a long draught of water, then ate some food.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Long draught a través del temps
Long draught per variant geogràfica