Encara no tenim significats per a "loom so".
1Why was it coming to loom so large in his thoughts?
2Why does the Trellick Tower loom so large in the landscape?
3And no prison walls loom so high as to appall our heroine's soul.
4Why does Gallipoli loom so large in the imagination of Australians and New Zealanders?
5It was the angle of the light that had made them loom so large.
6This is patent, else the scab would not loom so large on the labor-market horizon.
7What should loom so tall?
8Before the warp can be placed in the loom so as to weave or interlace it with filling it must be sized.
9The Eagle Tavern, with its creaking sign-board, does not loom so largely as it once did upon the horizon of his thought.
10Felten and his Princeton team are trying to develop ways to test that the computerized algorithms that loom so large over our daily lives.
11Rhiannon turned and looked down at her brother-in-law, wondering not for the first time how a man so grotesquely undersized could loom so large.
12The smaller questions loomed so close as to obscure the larger vision.
13I pointed toward the open sea, which loomed so vague in the distance.
14It is certainly impressive, looming so large in the landscape of 20th-century literature.
15The reality of marriage was startling when it loomed so near.
16The salary that loomed so large six thousand miles away did not go far.
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