Person who earns a living as the driver of a truck.
Examples for "driver"
Examples for "driver"
1Meanwhile, M&A talk was the main driver in the oil services sector.
2Stroll is the second Racing Point driver to contract Covid-19 this year.
3The judge said the driver had not seen the young American activist.
4We talk to racecar driver and men's health week ambassador Greg Murphy.
5The Asian market has become an important driver in the global market.
1An unemployed trucker had won fifteen million dollars in the Powerball lottery.
2Pennsylvania trucker distracted by football game charged in motorcyclist death: police MT.
3Caroline didn't understand, because her mother had run off with a trucker.
4In terms of placement and reliability, the new C4s were trucker.
5Some trucker might've been glad for some company on a long overnight haul.
1The unnamed truckie appears to be talking to his imaginary friend, the driver.
2We talk to truckie Terene Batten about her experience of being on the road.
3Our plate looks like a truckie's breakfast, but tastes better.
4Another truckie Gordon Taylor is semi-retired but has a vehicle and a couple of trailers.
5Once or twice, a truckie stopped to give him a lift, but mostly he was content to walk.
1A truck driver and three construction workers sat at the other end.
2Trade: After the family business collapsed, Walus worked as a truck driver.
3A few cries from some truck driver or belated reveler answer us.
4Her father was a truck driver, her mother had been a domestic.
5I worked for many years as a bus and food truck driver.
1The male lorry driver stopped at the scene and spoke to police.
2He worked as a lorry driver and operated machinery on building sites.
3Facebook Twitter Pinterest A lorry driver waves away a migrant in Calais.
4The lorry driver and all five occupants of the car were killed.
5My test is - could a passing lorry driver hear me?
6Her father was a lorry driver who built up his own haulage business.
7There was no word on the condition of the lorry driver.
8Another lorry driver who sometimes slept at Holberg's place in Nordurmýri.
9A lorry driver discovers a woman's body halfway up Wrotham Hill in Kent.
10He climbed aboard and the lorry driver examined him more closely.
11But they can hardly show it to every long-distance lorry driver, can they?
12Cathy, her lorry driver husband, and two children, live happily in a flat.
13An honest, hard-working, 27-year-old lorry driver, he could have been any mother's son.
14He left school at 14 and became a lorry driver.
15Arthur knew this because his opening, unprovoked remark had been, I'm a lorry driver.
16Unless the lorry driver was completely inattentive he'd spot Victor in his rear viewer.
Translations for lorry driver