Encara no tenim significats per a "lose forever".
1Then my mother will lose forever what Lobarto stole from our hacienda.
2Better this than for us to lose forever Spain the fair.
3But there are many more we stand to lose forever.
4He realized that if he did not win this fight, he might lose forever.
5Champlain is too fine a lake to lose forever.
6But know that thus you lose forever What here you could by daring deeds attain.
7From this moment we lose forever, not only the confidence of others, but also that of our own people.
8Each place and person I shall lose forever; each face and feature I shall remember the rest of my life.
9Her love had departed and was lost forever, without hope of recall.
10If not, the long labor, the plans, the hopes were lost forever.
11Self-pity was as pointless as pining for a past moment lost forever.
12When the prisoners arrived they ran straight into the wilderness, lost forever.
13Lost materially in the Tiber mud it was, for him, lost forever.
14If there was someone in Paris, he's lost forever in my memory.
15She knew that if the bridge collapsed, they'd all be lost forever.
16If I don't write it down now, it will be lost forever.
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