A pedal on a piano that lifts the dampers from the strings and so allows them to continue vibrating.
1Defiantly, with her foot on the loud pedal, she struck-almostslapped-thekeys once more.
2It's actually quite silent, but any fervent touches of the loud pedal render instant, torquey response.
3Catrina's foot was upon the loud pedal again.
4The nature of these tyres means that they need to be warmed up before really getting onto the loud pedal.
5The girl who had played the accompaniments sat at the piano and placed a decided foot on the loud pedal.
6The launch out of turns is catapultic as ever, but the driver need not point the snout arrow-straight before applying the loud pedal.
7Let a man with an average ear, however uncultivated, strike the C low down on a good piano-forte, keeping his foot on the loud pedal.
8We didn't do anything of that sort, McLaughlin told Fox Sports' The Loud Pedal podcast.
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