Encara no tenim significats per a "love-token".
1It is but the brand of your master, a love-token from José.
2It seemed too early, and too material a use of her love-token.
3He had in his hand his mother's letter and the shawl love-token.
4What is that, the love-token from the deacon's daughter?-Youcome on bravely.
5A love-token!-shrinknot, ye rays; there is something akin to you in love.
6Why had she no news, no love-token, no message from him?
7We learn that it is a love-token from Him.
8Was't a love-token or a purse of gold?
9It was a love-token, given to her by a man who had spoken no word of love.
10A love-token, I wager; and what's this?
11Had she some such love-token on her neck as the old Don's revolver had left on his?
12Then she took off her brooch, the only love-token he had given her, and put it into his hand.
13Cheri came to me with no love-token under his soft wings,-onlythe "good riddance" of his heartless master.
15As a love-token the Princess gave him the diamond; and, at parting, Rustem promised to go to see her secretly in Cashmere.
16There, still uneffaced, though the gold threads are all tarnished and ragged, are the ominous words on the silk of the she- devil's love-token!
Love-token a través del temps