Encara no tenim significats per a "m a".
1Officials told reporters the deal could save UK taxpayers £10 m a year.
2The deal is understood to be worth £25 m a year to Liverpool.
3Barclays will also pay £400 m a year in George Osborne's bank levy.
4Port Talbot is understood to be losing more than £1 m a day.
5The council estimates alcohol misuse costs the city more than £70 m a year.
6The government is paying debt interest at the rate of £120 m a day.
7The cost of peat used in compost is £60 m a year.
8Such theft costs the UK audiovisual industries about £500 m a year.
9The disease costs taxpayers £100 m a year in compensation for prematurely slaughtered cattle.
10The Island spends around £46 m a year, mostly on public works and infrastructure.
11The titles currently make a loss estimated at £10 m a year.
12That amounts to almost £25 m a year, which brings us back to Campbell.
13The current deficit on teaching is more than £25 m a year.
14Not when all those unique visitors attract only £18 m a year in advertising.
15We dropped two places, a loss of almost £1 m a position.
16But he's now admitted the business was losing more than £1 m a week.